In my student years in ITB, in the 60's, I found out that Bertrand
Russel and Alfred North Whitehead wrote a symbolic notation for
propositional logic in their book Principia Mathematica. But I was bewildered by the notations like this
-When I was graduated I learned how to program in Fortran and run it to the campus mainframe, and I found out that Boolean algebra is the mathematical base for the operation of a computer.
So, I started learning Boolean algebra and found out its arithmetical
base is very easy and powerful. The three basic principles of
Aristotle logic became a set of easy to remember algebraic
equations. Fortunately, I found Boole's book on the Laws of Thought in my campus library and read it. Well, it is not as easy as the boolean algebra written in the books of computer science.
One day, in my life as a lecturer for 25 years in ITB, I found a very strange book in the British Council Library titled Laws of Form
. The book attracted me because Bertrand Russel
endorsement in its cover. I read it and was bewildered by the author's
notation like this

So I just forget it.
Reading it I started to understand logic with its variety of notations. I joined the lawsofform@yaho
However, my discoveries are not always appreciated positively there, so I
continue to report them in my personal blogs. My unexpected discovery
is that I can simulate any axiomatic system of the abstract logical algebra as a concrete game of things that can be taught to a little kindergarten kid.
I used it to prove the validity of the 24 syllogism in the Leibniz table and the trivial fact of syllogistic unity in

To make it more interesting the marbles and boxes can be replaced by anything, for example open cards and closed cards like this
This blog is made to popularize the games ot things hoping that it will revolutionize education by teaching the games at kindergarten level education. In it I try to assure you that my discovery will do it right away. Please write your criticisms in the comments section so I can improve the games. Thanks for your comments in advance.
-Faithfully yours
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