Monday 10 January 2022

Simplest Primary Algebra

 Simplest Primary Algebra

George Spencer-Brown is a master of axiomatic logical algebra. He managed to reduce the five Principia axioms for propositional algebra to just two axioms:

However, in my last blog, I have shown you that position can be taken as the single axiom for the primary algebra. In this blog I will show you how easy is to derive position as the consequence of the simplest axiom: cancelation. So cancelation  which can be seen as definition of FALSE if we define   as TRUE.
Cancelation NOT TRUE = FALSE can be seen as the single base axiom for the primary algebra.


Consequently, the whole Boolean algebra can be derived from the binary principle of logic: TRUE and FALSE.

Even the classical valid categorical syllogisms can be easily proven using the single cancelation axiom. For example the Barbara syloogism
IF ( all a is b) AND (all b is c) THEN (all a is c) = TRUE
is written in the laws of form as

Proof of Barbara