Sommersian Chips Game of Logic
Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015
In my previous blogs I presented a simulation of Boolean and Peircean arithmologic with games of chips. In this blog I will show you how to simulate Sommersian Arithmologic using the same chips. It will be shown that the derivation of the conclusion from two premises in the valid syllogisms is really the easiest. There are 24 valid syllogism as it is shown in the following Leibniz table:

Representing Logical Expression with Chips
Aristotle using verbal string of words to represent logical expression such as IF a THEN b. George Boole in 19th century used string of algebraic symbols to represent the mentioned logical expression as 1-a+b. In the 20th century, George Spencer-Brown used a containment of forms

Now, we can construct an arithmologic game that simulates Boolean arithmetic by representing TRUE or 1 by black chip

The Categorical Proposition of Aristoteles
If a is represented by RED chip, b by a GREEN chip and 1 by a BLACK chip, the the four fundamental categoric proposition of Aristotle can be represented as it is shown in the following table.

Simulating the Syllogism Validity Proof
Reasoning by syllogism now can be simulated by three steps algorithm
1. Combined all the representation of premises with AND as the combinator.
2. Dispose all chip pairs

3. Read the rest as conclusion. If the rest is containing two color chips then the syllogism is valid. Otherwise it is invalid.
Proving Valid Syllogisms
To prove the Barbara syllogism, IF all m is p AND all s is m THEN all s is p, we represent s, m and p with red, green and blue chips and represent the conjunction of premises as the chips configuration above the horizontal line in the picture below.

By discarding opposite pairs of chips, we will get the chips configuration below the line which can be read as the conclusion of the syllogism.
The proof the validity of all 15 syllogisms can be derived with the help of the following table.
Beside the 15 valid syllogisms without any assumption of the existence of a certain term, there are 9 valid moods of syllogism containing existential assumption.
In the proof, we just eliminate the oppositional pair of chips above the horizontal line to get the chip configuration below the line.
The proof the validity of all 9 existential syllogisms can be shown in the following table.
The chips game can be used to prove hypothetical and disjunctive of the Stoic logician. In fact it can be used to prove any Boolean tautology. So it is shown that a game of concrete object can also simulate any logical proof in abstract algebraic symbols.
The objects chosen in this blog are colored chips. However the colored chips can be replaced with any objects and the black chips can be replaced with any sheets of paper. For example, the colored chips are replaced with colored marbles and the black chips are replaced with closed cards.
In this blog, logic is formulated with Sommersian algebraic symbols. The Boolean algebraic, Peircean pictorial and Sommersian literal formulations can also be simulated with similar game of concrete things. Among the three games, the Sommersian is the simplest.
All the logic games of concrete things are so easy to play that it can be taught to any kindergarten kid. Surely, we just teach them the rules of formation and transformation of the things arrangement without the logical interpretation.
Once they are skilled in the logic game playing, the algorithm will be deeply entrenched in their subconscious so it will facilitate their logical skill in later ages. Hopefully, the games can also enhanced their IQ like the WFF’n PROOF game created by professor Layman E. Allen in the Yale University.
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